E-Mail Policy

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When we might send e-mail[edit]

  • If you request an e-mail message. For example, you can forward SMS from your in-game mobile phone.
  • If you are a Parent, your child can request permission to sign on by sending you an e-mail, if you have configured this option.
  • If you subscribe to a mailing-list that we manage.
  • If you sign up for a Wiki-Wiki account, and you request notifications with the Special:Watchlist or other features.
  • If you contact us, and we reply.
  • If a character on your account requests assistance from us.
  • If a character on your account needs to be “warned” of unacceptable behavior, or is removed from the game.

The one, possibly unexpected, source is;

  • If, through analyzing our data, we see that you seem to be having technical difficulties, we may contact you to offer assistance. We might ask for some non-personally-identifiable technical details, as well, to help us troubleshoot the problem.

E-Mail we do not send[edit]

  • We will never ask for information about your Google Account or other accounts.
  • Emphatically, that means we will never ask for passwords, credentials, or other secret information.

Verifying legitimate mail[edit]

  • We will use your real name (obtained from your Google Account) and possibly your character name(s) in addressing you. For example, the header (envelope) of an e-mail might say,
    To: "John Doe" <john.doe@example.com>
  • We will only contact you using appropriate Tootsville e-mail accounts. The following domains are associated with Tootsville support e-mails:
    • @tootsville.net
    • @tootsville.org
  • For product sales only,
    • @tootsville.com
  • We will never ask for any password or financial information


  • @players.tootsville.org addresses are from other players of the game, and not (necessarily) members of the CIWTA team.
  • @tootsbook.com addresses may belong to writers of blogs about Tootsville, and not (necessarily) members of the CIWTA team.

More technical checks[edit]

  • System-generated messages will also have a (usually) hidden Message-ID code ending in tootsville.org or tootsville.net.
  • We will begin Signing E-Mail in the future. This will help to prove that we sent the message.